I’m Ready To Help You Renew Your Mind

And Live In Your Full Potential.

Are You Ready For A Mind/Life Transformation?


Tiffany Hayes, ACC -Founder & Operator

Tiffany Hayes is a Wife, Mother, and the Founder of Think and Renew LLC. She is a passionate Podcaster Author, and Mindset Coach. Tiffany believes that to truly live a life of freedom, you must be free in your mind. Thus, through continual education, revelation, and experience- she teaches others to think and renew their mind on purpose.

Think and Renew LLC





Associate Certified Coach

Tiffany is also trained in: - Life Coaching
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Biblical Counseling

200+ Hours of Coaching Hours-EPP Provider with high ratings

Psychology Today:

Tiffany Hayes ACC

Verified by Psychology Today

Degrees Held:

Bachelor in Creative Writing 

Masters in Organizational Leadership 


Hello Brilliance,

“I’m Tiffany Hayes, a woman who has experienced anxiety, heaviness and so much fear that it was internally crippling. You see, I’d experienced the feelings of these un-welcomed emotions for years, but suppressed them. I’d lay scripture on top of them, but never looked them in the face; until they met me. At that time I had to face the emotions that was so subtle. I talked to others, preached about it, shared my story of abuse, low self-esteem, heaviness and so many other limiting and debilitating beliefs until the scripture that I spoke took root into my very core. Now I rise to help others Think & Renew their minds as well. I am Tiffany Hayes and God has turned my ashes into beauty, every day is a new day to shine, to encourage, to teach, and be taught, but most of all to serve and love well.”

-Tiffany Hayes