
Enjoy one of Tiffany’s sample podcasts.



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Sample Excerpts From Tiffany’s Books

The Love Between

I would minimize another’s worth just to enlarge my own ego. I would speak that there is no condemnation in Christ and wanted to accept and receive the promises of God while mistreating His people. As time went on it was revealed to me that I covered my issues within pride, ego building and stepping on others. But I came to a point where I had to face my true self. I found myself in a pit of fear. I was full of religion but not relation.  Religion kept me bound, but was a true relationship with God where I would find the abundant life that He wanted me to have. But it took a while for me to get to the point because I used God like an allergy medication-only taking His work and applying it to my life when the season called for Him. There was serious disconnect in my relationship with Him because I didn’t accept the word of God in my heart.


Victim to Victor Go - 3-Part Series

Book Series I: Although we faced the giant before and slew it, we tend to avoid the face of another fear factor again. Because of that, some try to live life attempting to avoid anything that would remind them of that feeling we once felt again. Hence we then create a victim mentality, although the actual experience that would have given the definition of a victim has passed. We survived it, and instead of making us better, we live the rest of lives reliving what we lived already. Therefore, I despised the word “victim” and anything associated with this word. It robs the joy of life. It provides an excuse to live a defeated life for years, full of excuses, lack and well below the life that God will like us to have. We share, quote and minister the great gospel to others, but lack the belief that what we are sharing and what God says that we already have, exists, and that healing first starts within, before we experience the physical manifestation..

Book Series II: What is grace? It's unmerited favor. It is getting that dream job when you're not qualified. It's getting to lick the spoon and the bowl from the cake that your mother or grandmother just made.  It's being forgiven time and time again by God. It's feeling the favor and love of God after a huge mess up. Grace provides us with amazing and bountiful things physically and spiritually that we do not deserve.  Grace affords the abundance of life, the pure favor of God.  Some fantastic examples of God's favor in the Bible are the stories of Solomon, his father David, and Abraham along with many others. 

Book Series III: Mental enslavement does not have to define you but overcoming the victimization mindset can be used to equip you for life. Who says that slavery no longer exists? Many may not believe that slavery exists in the world that we live in today, but I beg to differ. We see so many of our friends, family, colleagues, etc., all around us suffering from the enslavement that is transpiring within daily. The slavery that I'm referring to is slavery of the mind, mindset slavery, or ruminating negative thoughts-the victim mentality. Some may not want to admit to this enslavement, as many of us believe that we are living on top of the world with no cares or need to renew our thoughts. But, I must share with you that we all must renew our minds if it is not according to and in alignment with the Bible, especially if we are walking from the mindset of a victim and embracing who we have been all along, a victor.